December 1, 2014
Information about medical assistance and evacuation for traveling internationally
We'd like to share information about another topic that may be relevant to you and your family.
We wanted to make you aware of the importance of having insurance for medical assistance, evacuation, and/or security services if you or members of your family travel internationally. We think this is an important planning topic to consider, particularly in the global world we live in where international travel is more common then ever.
We know several stories of clients and friends who were traveling outside the US and had a medical situation occur that required medical attention. Their experience with a health care system they were unfamiliar with had the potential for producing (and in some cases did produce) a less-than-desirable health result. In those situations, we want our clients and friends to have the ability to come back to the United States for their medical treatment immediately, no matter where in the world they are.
We know a company that provides these services called Global Rescue ( - 800-381-9754). Whether you consider using Global Rescue or another company for this service, we wanted to make you aware about this for you/your family to consider for your/their travel planning.
[FULL DISCLOSURE - the founder of Global Rescue is a personal friend of Cindy's son, Wes, and is a board member of Wes' non-profit. Cindy and her 3 children all have this coverage through Global Rescue.]
If you have any questions about this planning for your overall wealth management, please let us know. Thank you!